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Motive of Applicant and Study Schedule


Motive of Applicant and Study Schedule


As a child, I never had a concrete outlook on life. Unlike other kids at my age, I never had any dream or ambitions. However during my adolescence, I became part of Red Cross Youth and Korea Youth Association, which forever changed my life. Being part of such organization for 6 years and eventually serving as the head representative of these volunteer groups, I realized the inelasticity of advertising in our business oriented society.


I never had outstanding grades in High school but I was able to go to college and pursue the career of my choice. And I eventually went on to receive my degree in commercial advertising. Upon graduation, I worked for MBC (Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation) as part of the advertising planning division. For two years I planned various events for MBC, which helped me gain valuable work experience.


In order to gain further knowledge of advertising, I joined MBC Plus a subsidiary of MBC, as part of the advertising business department. I was in charge of advertisements of MBCESPN as well as editing. While working  I became familiar with AVID and final cut pro. However working at MBC did not satisfy my passion of learning about advertising. Thus I decided to enroll in Hanyang Cyber University. Sadly, my hectic work schedule and my limited time to pursue academics frequently conflicted. It was then that I came across Humboldt State University. After countless hours of contemplation and considerations, I decided that I will travel to America to broaden my knowledge in the craft of advertising.


After being in this line of work for four years, I have strong desires to learn a more professional approach to this business. I avidly believe that if I were to be given the chance to attend Humboldt State University that this would be a pivotal turning point in my life both professionally and spiritually.


If I were to be admitted, I would like to not only pursue my academic career in advertising, but to volunteer once again as I have back in my youth. From working at Red Cross and Korean Youth Association, I have realized a correlation between advertisement and human relationship; that genuine messages can not be fabricated within the compounds of our opportunistic mentality, rather it comes out from our personal experiences of kindness.


As the American proverb goes, “learning is a life time process.” I have once again embarked on a journey for higher knowledge. And I would greatly appreciate if I were given the chance to further my career at Humboldt State University.













미국 주립대 in-state 장학혜택을 받는 Wise Way 장학생으로 선발되면

1년에 700 ~ 800 만원 정도의 학비가 듭니다. 


여기에 기숙사비와 보험료등을 합치면 

1년에 1,800~2,000 만원 정도가 되어, 

국내 사립대학 수준의 학비로 미국 주립대에 유학할 수 있습니다.  




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