Motive of Applicant and Study Schedule
I live in Houston, Texas at the present. I left Korea early in August, 2009.
I have been studying in order to enter the university in the U.S.A. When I had a long-term plan to study in the U.S.A in the past I did not know the program of Georgia Southwestern State University.
Therefore, I decided to stay in Houston at first and tried to collect the information about the university in the U.S.A as I took ESL course. Fortunately, my parents got the information about the program and gave me some advice. As a result I have decided to take this useful program.
First, the environment of this university is very appropriate for me in many ways. I like the scale of the school. I heard that some prestigious and big universities may not have enough individual education programs.
I believe that the personal relationship between the students and professors is more important than studying in the crowded classroom in the large-sized campus. Dormitory system is also attractive to me. Living in the dormitory enables me to focus on my study efficiently. My dormitory experience in my high school for 3 years must be useful. I am familiar with the environment and the benefit.
Second, I think that the program fee is reasonable to me. It is not easy to go to the university in the U.S.A. Studying in English such as listening the lecture and writing a report of paper requires lots of effort. Also relying on the school expenses for my parents makes me uncomfortable. I am going to study hard and get a scholarship when I take this program.
I am planning to study at ELI from January to April in 2010 and when I study at the University I would like study sociology and have more specific plans. I am interested in administration, international relationships, and social welfare field now. These three subjects are under the frame of sociology. I would like to take a basic course which is related with them, experience the volunteer work, and ask some advice from the professional workers in the field.
We live in the high technology age but the importance of human relationship and social welfare is increasing now. We need the understanding of ourselves for our future. I would like to devote myself to the benefit of the society.
I would like to have an opportunity to learn and grow through the education program of Georgia Southwestern State University. Acquiring the advanced studies in English in the international environment must be really helpful for me.
When I study at the university I will have my plan clearly and wisely. My motives for the application are the passion on studying sociology and dream on my future profession, I would like to spend my campus life at the Georgia Southwestern State University.
Thank you very much,
Sincerely yours
미국 주립대 in-state 장학혜택을 받는 Wise Way 장학생으로 선발되면
1년에 700 ~ 800 만원 정도의 학비가 듭니다.
여기에 기숙사비와 보험료등을 합치면
1년에 1,800~2,000 만원 정도가 되어,
국내 사립대학 수준의 학비로 미국 주립대에 유학할 수 있습니다.
미국주립대 장학 유학과 관련된 좀 더 자세한 정보를 찾으신다면,
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