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study plan 학습계획서 수정과정과 결과물



First Draft


Study Plan



During life we face constant changes, as young adults (future professionals) we must learn from our past mistakes and make every little decision wisely.


Since we were kids, we have been educated to get ahead, to have a better future, seeing various subjects and eventually choosing which one of these we like, so we choose a specific subject to fulfill the rest of our lives. Over time we define our skills until we find what we are good at and what definitely isn’t for us.


I like to create and innovate all the time. I’m passionate with everything I do and when I really like what I’m doing I do it with my heart, I do my best. For this reason, I am very interested in two programs: architecture and industrial design. Studying both would be a huge personal challenge and I know that with my effort I can move forward with every goal I propose.


My plan is to go to college in the United States. There, I hope to stand out by my good academically level and make a noticeable difference for doing things with passion. I want to get good grades, get a good average and I will fight to have a scholarship while at the university. Of course, I yearn to have excellent teachers, a good relationship with people who contribute to my life and acquire the best possible learning environment, both intellectually and professionally. With the opportunity to study there, I can have more opportunities to improve my English and develop my thinking.


After studying in the United States I want to travel to other countries out my studies into practice and gain experience. Norway is one of those countries where I want to live a while and improve my knowledge.


Going to college means so much to me. The first big step is to thinking for ourselves and, to see things differently. It is a place where I can learn more about injustices and beauty of the real world. I have absolute confidence in me and I know that everything I want, I can achieve with willpower.


I will walk with firm steps and with an unmatched security.



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First Draft 수정과정 Revised



Final Draft 결과물 



Study Plan


Since we were kids, we have been educated to get ahead, to learn from our past mistakes and make every little decision wisely, to have a better future, seeing various subjects and eventually choosing which one of these we like the most. Over time we define our skills until we find what we are good at and what definitely isn’t for us. And finally, we choose a specific subject to fulfill the rest of our lives.


I’m passionate for everything I do and when I really like what I’m doing, I do it with my heart. When I start painting I can spend a lot of time doing it without complaining until I get the results I want. Every time I am doing those things, the rest of circumstances don’t matter and time flies.


I’ like to create and innovate all the time. Therefore the programs that allows me to do this and I like the most are: Architecture and Industrial design. Those careers have the syllabus I like the most and also are the ones that fit with my professional profile.


Studying both of them would be a huge personal challenge because nowadays is necessary to have more than one title or specialization to achieve a better labor future and succeed in life.


My plan is to go to college in the United States. There, I hope to stand out by my good academically level and make a noticeable difference for doing things with passion. I want to get good grades, get a good average and I will fight to have a scholarship while at the university. Of course, I yearn to have excellent teachers, a good relationship with people who contribute to my life and acquire the best possible learning environment, both intellectually and professionally. With the opportunity to study there, I can have more chances to improve my English in a multicultural way, developing my thinking skills in one of the best countries in terms of education.


Going to college means so much to me. It is a space where I can continue developing skills, but this time, more autonomously and focusing on areas of my interests. I would like my studies to open new doors to knowledge and different cultures around the world in order to become a better person. Besides, in the university I will have the opportunity to see new social and individual behaviors that will allow me to learn more about injustices and beauty of the real world.


I will walk with firm steps and with an unmatched security.





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