SUMMER TERM 2016 | |
Application Deadline | Friday, April 29 |
Residence Halls Open | Monday, May 30 |
Orientation and Registration | Tuesday-Wednesday, May 31-June 1 |
Classes Begin | Thursday, June 2 |
Independence Day | Monday, July 4 |
Last day of Class | Tuesday, July 19 |
Finals | Wednesday-Thursday, July 20-21 |
Residence Halls Close | Friday, July 22 |
*Dates may change.
Estimated ELI program cost for Summer 2016
(fee costs may change)
Tuition (full time) | 4,200.00 |
Room* | 925-1275* |
Meals** | 735-820** |
Health Service (required) | 70.00 |
GSW Athletic Fee (required) | 205.00 |
GSW Activity Fee (required) | 65.00 |
ID Fee (required) | 10.00 |
Technology Fee (required) | 55.00 |
Success Center Fee (required) | 33.00 |
Parking Fee (required for students who have a car) | 18.00 |
Institutional Fee (required) | 242.00 |
Testing Fee (required) | 100.00 |
Dorm Application Fee | 50.00 |
ELI Application Fee | $50.00 |
Books and materials | $450.00 (estimate) |
Major Medical Insurance (required for I-20 students) | $216.00*** |
Estimated Living Expenses | $200.00 |
Linen Fee (optional) | $50.00 |
*Room rates depend on availability of rooms, the length of the period of residence, and the student’s age. Rooms are doubles or singles, depending on availability. Students are usually assigned rooms and may not have the option to change to a different type of room.
GSW policy requires that all students under the age of 21 must live on campus, unless they live locally with immediate family. The ELI strongly recommends that all new ELI students, regardless of age, live on campus during the first semester attending ELI.
**There are three meal plan choices: Unlimited meals per week, 15 meals per week, and 10 meals per week. The GSW policy is that all students who live on campus are required to purchase a meal plan. During the summer, we suggest that students have the 10- or 15-meal plan.
***The insurance covers the May-July time period.
미국 주립대 in-state 장학혜택을 받는 Wise Way 장학생으로 선발되면
1년에 700 ~ 800 만원 정도의 학비가 듭니다.
여기에 기숙사비와 보험료등을 합치면
1년에 1,800~2,000 만원 정도가 되어,
국내 사립대학 수준의 학비로 미국 주립대에 유학할 수 있습니다.
미국주립대 장학 유학과 관련된 좀 더 자세한 정보를 찾으신다면,
와이즈웨이 홈페이지(를 참고 해주세요!
'자료실' 카테고리의 다른 글
미국대사관 비자 인터뷰 방문시 소지 가능한 물품목록 (0) | 2016.07.27 |
2016 가을학기 ELI 비용 및 캘린더 안내 (0) | 2016.04.08 |
2016 SAT 시험 일정 (0) | 2016.03.28 |
2016년 토플 시험 일정 입니다. (1월~10월) (0) | 2016.03.18 |
11월 16일자 조선일보 맛있는 공부에 2016년 9월학기 Wise Way 장학생 모집이 소개되었습니다. (0) | 2015.11.16 |